Well done, Iceland.

– Here in the Uk it is as if we give in to various religions.

– I’ve had enough of the non-elected priests, mullah’s and ‘century-persons’ who decide which laws they will follow.

How to write Independent.co.uk-contributor FlyingTeapot in a comment to politicians from the five icelandic parties, has just tabled a bill to ban genital mutilation of boys and girls.

And FlyingTeapot is not the only one who praises the small island-kingdom in the bill will punish parents who circumcise their children up to six years in prison:

– of Course no one can grow up without being influenced by parents and environment.

– But this is something completely different we are talking about, when you cut a baby because of religion.

– the Circumcision of girls or boys unless it is medically necessary – is mutilation and child abuse, writes Tonedemperon86 thus, while the president of the european rabbis (jewish priests) is less enthusiastic:

Circumcision is an important and essential part of being a jew, and there is no authority in the world, who can prohibit it, says Pinchas Goldschmidt, according to israelnationalnews.

In Denmark, have so far 5021 danes signed a borgerforslag, which – if it reaches 50.000 signatures – must be debated in parliament.

And here at Dawn have more than 126.000 readers participated in this poll.