Christmas is the christmas time. And this year, Danish christmas hearts has grown even greater.

In each case, more than an estimated 89.000 readers and other generous danes donated so much money to this year juleindsamling, that the word ’record’ should be used for 13. years in a row.

Since Ekstra Bladet and Danish people’s aid in 2007 collected over 600,000 crowns at the first gathering for julehjælp is the willingness to help single-parent families on public service namely has grown and grown, so the end result lands on the whole of the 14.8 million dollars.

Last year was that the 14.7 million to share, and 2017 was the amount of 12.4 million. crowns.

This means that 77 percent of those in need that have come in for Danish people’s aid can get a greeting with gift certificates for gifts and christmas dinner. Once a rar record.

Julehjælp – 12. dec. 2019 – at. 16:06 Tina’s four children were not ashamed: Hard to get julehjælp

– the end result is absolutely fantastic and surpasses even my most positive hopes.

– I thought in advance that it would be nice if we could reach last year’s result, so I would like to send a big thank you to all who have contributed, says Klaus Nørlem, secretary general Danish people’s aid, to Ekstra Bladet.

While the bottom line on the collection therefore grows a nøk, is the number of applicants has decreased a bit.

It has the secretary-general, Nørlem, not experienced in the 13 years he has assembled, with Extra Magazine. And he has several suggestions as to why ’only’ 14.866, who has been in years. In 2019 there was 15.239 applicants.

One of the explanations may be that there are many other associations and organizations that come with on the julehjælpsvognen – both local and nationwide.

another explanation may be that the government in august decided to allow many of the poorest earners in the public service for an extra børnecheck of more than 250 million dkk.
Money that is paid from January.

A third explanation may be that some municipalities as f.ex. Kolding has taken the task to coordinate the applications between the applicant and the individual organisations, so no one gets double julehjælp.

The coordination and the control is however not something the Danish people’s aid believe that all municipalities can use the resources on.

For Danish people’s aid has it always been like this, that it is the municipality which the organization examines whether the applicants live up to the Danish Folkehjælps criteria, but adds:

– We have even tightened up around the application process, so a candidate who is already registered in our ansøgningsportal – can’t get on if they try to modify its standing data. It think I’ve got a part applicants to abandon the search julehjælp.

– But can you deny the fact that some applicants get julehjælp from the other?

– No, I can’t.

– There is a possibility that the families get julehjælp from several organisations, and we can easily live with.

– We know from Statistics Denmark, that every dane uses somewhere between 2000 and 2700 dollars on christmas.

The poor families, we give julehjælp, are in average of three people, and they get 500 dollars pr. muzzle for christmas, says Klaus Nørlem, now to be in time to send gift out for a total of 22.800 children by 11.402 families.

Gift cards, which means that christmas will be a little cozier for the children who live with deprivation, ill parents and the poor economy.

Julehjælp – 5. dec. 2019 – at. 11:35 Hourly rate in € 11 million.: Large pressure