Earlier in the year presented Blåkläder plans to develop the arbejdsbukser specially designed for pregnant women.

In connection with the publication of the plans indicated Blåkläder also, that they were looking for test pilots, who would like to try out the new arbejdsbukser to pregnant women before they are sent in the deal.

judging by the number of volunteers for the task, it would seem to be a coveted item.

– the Interest was huge, informs Blåkläder Denmark in a press release.

– In the course of the registration period applied for more than 2,500 pregnant women of the artisan industry to test the graviditetsbukserne, sounds it on.

Blåkläder promise that arbejdsbukserne are both soft, comfortable and hard-wearing’, as they, too, must ’facilitate the physical work, for as long as possible during pregnancy’.

the volunteers of The women is the last ultimate test for Blåkläders graviditetsbukser, for here can testpiloterne try out the pants in their real element and come with feedback.

– In view of the fact that women are a minority in the industry, and to those who applied, were to be pregnant, was about 2,500 applications a very large number. We are happy for the huge interest from all over Europe. It confirms the importance of our new product launch, says René Christiansen, Country Manager, Blåkläder Denmark, in the press release.

Testpiloterne were selected broadly across age, geographic location, and stage of pregnancy.

This is to ensure that the pants are tested in a variety of situations and on the bellies of various shapes and sizes.

– the Comments and feedback from the women in the final stage of the test is extremely important for us. We want to produce trousers, that really is tailored to this target group, ” says Rose-Marie Näsström, product developer at Blåkläder.

– Internally, we have been working on our graviditetsbukser in more than two years. We never compromise with the quality or fit, and our goal has always been to launch graviditetsbukser, there is a maximum soft, comfortable and durable, she says.

Blåkläders pregnancy pants can be purchased at the beginning of 2020.


test Pilot: – They are enormously good

Pregnant Sidsel Albaek has been the test pilot of the new arbejdsbukser, and she is very impressed. Private

As the landscape gardener to 31-year-old Sidsel Albaek from Nyborg move much, and when she saw, at the same time are pregnant, provides the challenges.

When she stumbled across a posting on Facebook from Blåkläder that they were seeking volunteers, she chose to sign up as a test pilot of the new arbejdsbukser for pregnant.

I applied because I thought it could be fun. It could be, it was some good pants, tells Sidsel Albaek and Extra Magazine.

She was selected as a test pilot, and subsequently, she has tested the pants for a few months.

– They were immensely good. It is a nice, lightweight material, so you can move. The piece, which sits perched above the abdomen, are thin and very elastic, and therefore, there is no extra fabric, which is annoying, says Sidsel Albaek.

Previously, she has acted in friluftsforretninger, when she has had to find arbejdsbukser, because she has experienced that many arbejdsbukser is made in a heavy and rigid material.

– It can go very out of your work, if you can’t perform quite basic tasks such as getting down in the knees and to hold the pants up. Such was the pants do not, so I will say that it has been a success, says Sidsel Albaek.