most of The women use menstrual Apps, to know when the next period begins. Some try to understand cycle-related complaints such as headaches or mood swings better. And some reminds the App to take the pill.

Digital cycle-trackers are popular. The boom at the end of Femtech-industry has spawned many products and Apps to assist in the prevention, family planning, and Breastfeeding. Alone on Google Play, over 100 periods can be Tracker download.

“The Apps are not safe”

To the family planning or the prevention of good for the least, as they say the most fertile days usually mathematically before. You rely in the beginning on average values and with the time on the cycle data of the user.

“not safe,” says Gabrielle Miller, a Doctor at the fertility and endocrine clinic at the Zurich city hospitals Waid and Triemli. “At exactly those that also include the symptothermal method are the most.” Regularly information to body temperature and cervical mucus must be entered.

Apps ask for Details of your sex life

The Apps are being used more frequently, says Müller. Younger women like it will be good that a lot of almost like a Social Media platform work: There are forums, polls, articles, diaries, and you can even cycle to share with others.

It is striking how curious the Apps are: you not only want to know when and by how much women bleed. Also ask about lifestyle habits, diverse symptoms, mental health, and intimate Details of the sex life.

Facebook is live. Medical data are sensitive. You would have to think that menstrual Apps handle especially careful with them. Unfortunately, no: The human rights organisation Privacy International has recently been demonstrated that several of the Apps give a lot of such data to Facebook and other companies.

Facebook know when a User masturbating

the Apps, Maya, Mia, Ovulation Calculator, and My Period Tracker informed when you Start immediately Facebook before for anything, the approval was given. The App Maya shared with Facebook pretty much everything you input the user: if you want to become pregnant, the ovulation or acne has, whether she feels scared, happy, or upset, as they prevented.

Similarly, when you last had Sex and whether it was protected or not. Facebook with also read entries in a “diary” in the wording. The App Mia let Facebook know whether and how often the user is masturbating.

the data for targeted advertising

used If it needs this data to calculate the cycle, such as the Apps to suggest? Hardly. The biological processes are complex, and stress factors can affect the cycle. The Algorithms for the Apps are, however, unlikely to be able to capture these processes fully and to interpret.

“If a woman has symptoms such as mood swings in the App logs, helps her the most, to detect cycle-related symptoms, and to predict,” says gynaecologist Gabrielle Miller.

Targeted advertising. At least as fruitful of these data, however, are for advertisers. To know alone, whether a woman wants to become pregnant is for you. For future parents to change their shopping habits and are, therefore, particularly receptive to advertising.

Mentally unstable people

notifies the Knowledge of whether a user has just premenstrual discomfort, is useful. “People in an unstable mental state can be strategically targeted”, says Eva Blum-Dumontet of Privacy International. “If you know that a Teenager feels weak, you can try to sell him a food Supplement.”

This is creepy, but not everything. According to a study by the American marketing Professor Kristina Durante, influence biological processes in the body, the choice of potential partners and consumer behavior.

So longing lead to variety of fertile days of women trying to increase the number of your admirers. But they are also more likely to your favorite products has been unfaithful. Particularly cosmetics and clothes, the promise of women’s increased attractiveness of are in demand in this Phase.

You can gather easy to imagine the many possibilities for advertising, when it compares these findings with the data, the cycle-Apps so eager.

article from the “observer”

This article was taken from the magazine “observer”. More exciting articles, see