If you are one of the many who have put Apple’s popular AirPods Pro on the wish list this christmas, so prepare yourself for a bit of a shock.

the Model is globally so popular, that the few copies which, despite everything, exists in the trade, often sold for well over normalpriserne. This means that there can easily be thrown 500 dollars or more on top of the nearly 2200 dollars, as the model costs direct from Apple.

the Example is certainly not unique, says the director of Denmark’s largest prisportal.

– We are past both black friday and cyber monday. There are still deals and sales, but not in the same degree as earlier in the year, explains Martin Andersen from the Resin.

Ekstra Bladet has asked the portal to find the most popular elektronikgaver and so-called wearables such as Apple Watch and Fitbit.

And then calculate the difference between the cheapest and most expensive price on the market right now.

– the Stores are back to normal prices, because december is primarily the month, where they earn money.

– Therefore making it also its economy a favor, if you get traded the most sought after christmas gifts a little before the expensive julemåned, he believes.

Dangerous websites

Good English and a great looking website is no guarantee that julefreden is secured. According to the Consumer council Think and the Danish business does not deserve all the websites of the trust, which Danish parents give them.

– It is not always a Danish online shop that hides behind a Danish website.

– You have to have as a consumer to be critical, says Danish Corporate marketing director for commerce, Lone Rasmussen to Ritzau.

The two organizations have collected over 30 examples of the websites does not comply with the rules, which apply in the EU. And the Consumer Think recommend not to buy certain goods on the net if you are not sure that the producer is from EU countries and thus subject to EU legislation.

– Keep you from the toys. It is about sharp things and small parts. Stay away from electronics.

It can catch fire or be unsafe in any other way, says deputy director Vagn Jelsøe to Ritzau.

And cosmetics. When there is the chemistry of things, it is a particularly sensitive one when it outright is something that we put on our skin.

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According to Martin Andersen will those chasing AirPods Pro and other much-coveted christmas gifts for the teenager, therefore, have two choices.

– If the recipient must have the gift for christmas, you will have to check out the prices and try to get rid as cheaply as possible. Even if it is not, the lower price you usually expect.

– Alternatively, you can consider giving a gift certificate.

It is less personal, but can get far greater value, when the sale is about to begin.

you End up with to select the first and buy christmas present for a little for a high price, one should consider the possibility to download it directly in a store, think Martin Andersen.

– by the way, are you sure that you get the product before christmas. And that you do not send your money to a website that may promise a good price, but never, or too late deliver what you have ordered.

the Lists, which Resin has pulled out, looks like in addition, much of the previous years.

– It is quite often the same products that jagtes, when the danes buy gifts. Mostly technology, toys and so books, that is the big hit of the year.

– the Producers and renew the electronics, so all the time there is some new headphones, bluetooth speakers, iPhones and games consoles, which can arouse interest.


10 popular wearables

From 1368 to 2770 dollars.

Potential saving up to 1402 dollars.

From 333 to 799 dollars.

Potential saving up to 466 dollars.

From 1960 to 2735 crowns.

Potential saving up to 775 dollars.

From 429 to 700 dollars.

Potential saving up to 271 dollars.

From 449 to 790 dollars.

Potential saving up to 341 dollars.

From 2179 to 2750 dollars.

Potential saving of up to 571 dollars.

From 2299 to 3007 crowns.

Potential saving up to 708 dollars.

From 1799 to 2999 dollars.

Potential saving of up to 1200 crowns.

From 1145 to 1689 crowns.

Potential saving up to 544 dollars.

From 562 to 1199 crowns.

Potential savings of up to 637 dollars.


10 popular elektronikting

From 2156 to 3629 crowns.

Potential saving up to 1473 crowns.

From 2199 to 3990 dollars.

Potential cost savings, up to 1791 crowns.

From 5899 to 8495 crowns.

Potential saving of up to 2596 crowns.

From 299 to 453 dollars.

Potential saving up to 154 crowns.

From 279 to 639 dollars.

Potential saving of up to 360 dollars.

From 1250 to 2591 crowns.

Potential saving up to 1341 crowns.

From 1970 to 2571 crowns.

Potential saving up to 601 euros.

From 2684 to 4649 crowns.

Potential saving up to 1965 dollars.

From 804 to 1299 dollars.

Potential saving up to 495 dollars.

From the 1890s to 3309 pounds.

Potential saving up to 1419 pounds.