There is a simple way to eradicate weeds from your garden that will completely eliminate any pesky little plants.

When you have a garden, beyond the aesthetic aspect, being invaded by weeds can cause many problems. For example, your hydrangeas may not bloom or your plants may not grow enough and receive the nutrients they need. Weeds can therefore quickly become a source of frustration for gardeners trying to maintain a thriving garden.

While chemical herbicides are often the first option considered, they can have detrimental effects on the ecosystem and human health. Fortunately, there are several eco-friendly and effective methods for controlling weeds in a garden. First, understand the type of weeds you are dealing with. Like any plant, weeds can be annual or perennial.

Annual weeds are easier to control because they only last a year or season and are not too entrenched. They can arrive quickly, but they can also be removed just as quickly. You can try to pull them out, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Perennial weeds are more difficult to eliminate because they return year after year. They have deeper roots than their annual counterparts and if not removed permanently, they will return. We will have to find a method that kills the plant from its roots. There are websites to help you identify what type of weed you are dealing with. The Iriis site for example is very well done and will give you lots of advice.

Once you have identified your weed, you also need to know where it has taken hold. On a terrace you can use boiling water. This will kill the plant in a day or two, and you’ll just have to pick it up. But be careful, this technique is not suitable in a garden because it could kill the surrounding plants. White vinegar is also an effective method. It’s a fantastic, natural alternative to weedkiller, plus it’s affordable and pet-friendly.

When it comes to weeds growing in lawns, the best approach is to cut them back. All you need to do is mow your lawn frequently. This helps weaken them and also prevents them from producing seeds, preventing them from respawning. It is therefore  one of the best ways to fight weeds sustainably in a lawn.