A new anti-money laundering act, which cryptoaanbieders inter alia, required to register with the Dutch central Bank (de nederlandsche bank), is leading the cryptosector is currently a feeling of uncertainty. In the first instance, it would be in the new amld to commence on the 10th of January. The senate, however, is yet to address the issue and, therefore, more time is needed.

This means that the cryptoaanbieders and the other parties involved are still uncertain about the exact details of the new amld.

The law comes from the European Union, drawn up in the fifth Eu amld (AMLD5). The law needs to be better oversight of the money laundering or the financing of terrorism, as well. All member states are required to comply with the appropriate requirements of this Brussels-based regulatory framework.

as For the inclusion of these new features is a modification of the Law on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing act (Wwft) is required.

to Register, not sure yet < / p> In practical terms, this means that the law, among other things, that the companies who are providing services to the exchange between the encryption and just have the money and the companies that cryptobewaarportemonnees offering to be registered with the Dutch central bank and by the directors and certain shareholders to be examined.

This is the case for many of the players in the cryptosector as a negative development. On Friday, it was announced that the largest trading platform in the encryption of the options, Deribit, activities are moved in the direction of Panama, and because of the impending wetsvernieuwing.

even Though the obligation to register for cryptopartijen is a part of the current proposal, it is still not sure whether or not this aspect was discussed in the First section of the act is.

Not a mark of quality for cryptoaanbieders

however, the registration requirement after it is expected, however, as part of the law. DNB emphasizes that it is a measure by which to monitor for suspicious financial activity, such as the financing of terrorism, and it is not a seal of approval for cryptoaanbieders.

It must be the act of the supervision of the parties who are active in the cryptomarkt make it easier. DNB may take enforcement action and, in the case of a serious suspicion, in contact with, for example, the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice.

over The past few years, there were several incidents in which cryptovaluta have been used for terrorism financing.