Researchers of the so-called ‘ Chronosphere project, in the concert hall of the Effenaar in Eindhoven for more than € 500,000 in financial support from various agencies.

the Chronosphere, is a project of a developer in a Smart Venue, with technology-related companies and research institutes to investigate how the 3D scans of people as realistically as possible to be able to be made, and how these features are, in practice, may be used.

The study will be performed in the concert hall of the Effenaar (eindhoven). A special, 3D-studio, put dozens of cameras at the same time, the movement of a living subject to determine. These images can be converted into a fully animated digital image, resulting in a true-to-life simulation is created.

now, with The financial support comes from the National office for Entrepreneurial Netherlands and the netherlands fund for the creative industry in the netherlands by the metropole region Eindhoven and the 4DR Studios, the owner of the 3D studio, which is a Smart Venue, etc.