A new complaint has just been filed against psychoanalyst Gérard Miller for rape. Facts which date back to 2001, at the time, the complainant was 17 years old.

Gérard Miller again accused of rape. According to information from Le Parisien, a new complaint for rape was filed against the psychoanalyst this Tuesday, February 20, by a 39-year-old woman, facts which allegedly took place when the young woman was still a minor in 2001. Aude G . as the daily indicates, filed a complaint against x for rape with the Paris public prosecutor. Facts which are not prescribed according to his lawyer. The complainant notably accuses the director of having forced oral sex on her after inviting her to his home near the Place de la Nation in Paris. A complaint which is added to those already filed by three other women, after the publication of several women’s testimonies in Elle magazine, then Médiapart.

It all began when Aude G., then a 17-year-old high school student, decided with her best friend to contact Gérard Miller to write an article in the newspaper of her Paul-Claudel high school in Vauréal (Val-d’Oise) indicates Le Parisian. A letter intended for the psychoanalyst and to which he will respond on November 9, 2021 by calling back the young girl and suggesting that they “see each other on Sunday”. The interview will take place in his private mansion, Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. The following Sunday, Aude, her friend Audrey and Mathieu, one of their friends, went there. That day, the exchange was rapid, the former columnist and editorialist answered their questions and no inappropriate behavior was mentioned.

During a second meeting, still within the framework of writing the article, Gérard Miller offered a hypnosis session to the young girls, which Audrey, Aude’s friend, refused. Subsequently, he would have “kept contact with Aude, writing her ambiguous SMS messages” reports Le Parisien. “I would like to see you again Aud… and/or Aud…?” It was then that a third meeting was planned, around brunch and in the presence of host Laurent Ruquier. It was on that day that everything changed according to the complainant’s account.

Aude G. and Gérard Miller would have found themselves at the therapist’s home. He would have kissed her suddenly. The complainant describes the man as “calm, honeyed”. According to the complaint, he clearly indicated to her: “I will not be your first, have you ever slept with a boy?” To which the young girl would have replied “no”. “The psychoanalyst would then have taken out his penis, putting it in the hand of the alleged victim, so that she would masturbate it and then would have forced her to perform oral sex” we learn in Le Parisien. It was then that the alleged victim left Gérard Miller’s mansion “feeling haggard and groggy”. Me Marie-Paule Pioli, lawyer for the plaintiff, asserts that her client necessarily quenched her thirst and probably ingested a liquid during brunch.

As it stands, it is impossible to say that the young girl suffered chemical submission. No tangible evidence is yet able to confirm this theory. On the other hand, for her lawyer, Aude G. did indeed suffer rape, concerning fellatio which was imposed on her client, by constraint, but also because of the age difference between the two protagonists, 36 years old.

On February 16, 2024, a complaint was already filed against the therapist by a 15-year-old girl for sexual assault after drinking iced tea in the company of Gérard Miller. She then experienced a “black hole”. Statements which echo the complaint of Aude G. In a letter published on person”.