for Less government, and more to take care of each other since 2013, we are living in a welfare state, but in a participatiesamenleving. Half of the Dutch population also contributes as a volunteer: bingoënd with the elderly, or the chickens are being taken to the zoo. What drives these people? You’ll read about it in the section with The Volunteers.

In a residential building in the Zoetermeerse district Seghwaert off, the pilot whale and his second cup of coffee of the day. Then, he walks towards the dressing table, to pick up a picture frame and hold it up. “Now, here they are!!!” He pointed out the six tiny schoolpasfoto’s, that is, between the edges of the frame are inserted. “My guys.” The three of them were originally from There. The other three were born in the Netherlands.”

It was a Thursday morning, and his wife was out of the door and pressure as a caregiver. The pilot whale spends most of his time to volunteer work. He helps teenage boys who have a hand in the back to be able to use them, and coach them on the basis of his own experience of life.

“The families of many of the young people that I mentor, it is a little stressful.”

Harry, the pilot whale, Young people with too much of a distraction for it to function properly
After a long career with the ministry of Defence, the pilot whale in the materieelinkoop worked, and he got as part of a reorganisation, the job will be lost. He decided to take a short course of training to follow, and also started to take a look at the buddy project, from a Young Perspective. Eventually, he came to the front of the class in adult education, where he has English as a second language for them. There, he came up through the Working-for the first time, in touch with the young ‘status athletes’.

The coaching is in his blood, ” says the pilot whale. “This is a Defense, I noticed that colleagues often have with me a little bit crossed) for advice, or to release their tension, to be able to.”

The youth, who he now coaches, have been anything but a stable foundation. That’s a lot different than he was himself: his own parents, he would be a statue that can be found, the man is the pilot whale. The fathers of all the boys he coaches are out of the picture. Their mothers have it rough and are usually the result of several causes to the financial problems came to be. “The home is often stressful.”

Or for a young person in the school and in the society can arrive, is, according to him, most often not lack of intelligence, but the amount of things that distract you.

“a Lot of guys are more difficult to achieve; they want to be independent.”

Harry, the pilot whale From the difficult contact is to have a weekly squashtraditie

Then, going to be the phone. It was T., a boy of about thirteen, with one Of the pilot whale, has agreed to meet in the afternoon to go to the cinema. “Harry, where are you?” sound from the speaker. “I’m home,” said the pilot whale. “It will be at least an hour of time before I’m with you. How do you do it in English?” It was on the other side of it. “I noticed a 3 of are. What is the reason?” The pilot whale has the permission to get information from the school, on-line, so that he is aware of.

as to The first point of contact with his young friends, and always goes differently. “Some of them, such as Y, are more open to it. When I came the first time, he and his mother spoke, he moved closer to me on the couch. Afterwards, I asked him, ” how Would you like it if I can next week to come?’ His reaction was very enthusiastic.” As with the pilot whale of the week, on the sidewalk, it was In astonishment. “He couldn’t believe that I actually was. Most likely, he was used to seeing men and their promises are not being met.”

The Character of the boys it is more difficult to achieve, as experience From the pilot whale. “They want to be independent. In each of the direct offering, in order to their buddies, they’ll tell you no.”

Michelle, from the Character of the boys, he decided to turn it over to a different approach to incarceration. “I squashte at this time. At one point, I J., and moved away, and I said to my squashmaatje had to be cancelled, and asked if he wanted to.” That’s how he wanted to do, and then, the pilot whale and the boy on a weekly basis play a game of squash. Also, the relationship started to grow. “Later on, I assisted him with setting up his living space, how to find an internship and a part-time job.”

See also: Volunteer: “Away to the refugees in the store and was very, very difficult “”I turned out to be his best friend, his’

A lot of the things the boys have accomplished, the pilot whale is proud to. As for the refugees of S., who is now an education and an apartment in Zoetermeer, the netherlands has one. Van de Griend, helped him move in, and enrollment in the school. When the boy is on loan from the church was amazing, he gave him in advance a deposit of the first essential items of expenditure.

the pilot whale has in the meantime woken up to the fact that he has an important role to play in the lives of the boys he coaches. Then, J. it is sad opbelde, early in the morning, the pilot whale is not a friend, was able to agree on. J., said: “it’s that I don’t have friends here, Harry. I know of some people, but true friends are the people with whom you have a history of sharing.” Van de Griend, “That got to me, because I myself have not seen. I was at that moment that his best friend, too.”