Next Tuesday (4th February) is world cancer day. There is a lot of good news on the kankergebied. As reported in the comprehensive Cancer centre the Netherlands, two weeks ago, the chances of survival have risen slightly. That is particularly the case for cancer, where screening has been a great success. To the number of patients with early detection, the Stomach Liver Intestine Foundation (MLDS) in the age of five years old to reduce.
for the past five years, the Dutchman, as his or her 55 is a call for mass screening of colorectal cancer. The GOVERNMENT invites people aged 55 and over is folded around the age of two years, from a little stool to provide for the control of cancer. In the laboratory, is then searched for the small blood. This may mean that there is cancer, or have polyps in the colon are not present. Polyps can develop into colon cancer.
strong> a Greater chance of survival due to early detection,
Professor of gastrointestinal oncology, Evelyn Decker of Amsterdam, and the UNIVERSITY was the basis for the introduction of population screening in 2014. According to her, the programme is very successful. A lot of people have responded to the call. “With 72 per cent of the Netherlands is a leader in the world. We can detect bowel cancer at an early stage to help us.”
It is critical, ” says Decker, because the sooner cancer is detected the greater the chance of a cure, and the more difficult it is to treat. The population in the long term, one to three deaths can be prevented.
the Time is ripe for even earlier detection < / p> In 2018, had more than 14,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer. 5.038, People have died from the disease. That’s fourteen people every day. To colon cancer at an even earlier stage, to be able to detect), the Stomach Liver Intestine Foundation (MLDS), the screeningsleeftijd lower: from 55 to 50 years of age.
“With the reduction, we imagine a 750 to 1,000 cases of cancer a year previously on the track.”
Bernique Tool, MLDS, director < / p> MLDS-director, Bernique Tool is: With the decrease, we suspect the 750 to 1,000 cases of cancer a year previously, to be able to track it down. This leads to a better chance of survival: at stage one, to start with the treatment after five years, with a survival rate of 90 to 95 percent of the time. When it is only in stage four, late stage start, is that around 11 percent of the time.”
In line with the rest of Europe, < / p> leeftijdsverlaging is in line with European standards. This screening is from fifty years before. That is, five years ago, with the introduction of the directive has been waived because, at the time, it was not clear how many screenings of the phone call is much better. There is now a view. In the coloscopiecentra is, in addition, has sufficient capacity to be part of the group of 50 – to 55-year-olds to the screening.
this is Another reason for the age limit to go down from time to time: spijsverteringskankers, including colon cancer, will continue to grow. That’s according to the Tool, as we grow older. “Also, lifestyle factors play an important role, for example, the increase in obesity.”
better screening < / p> To Decker, are in addition to leeftijdsverlaging even more ways to use the screening process to be improved. The results of the stool test is to be combined with other risk factors such as age, gender, and presence of family members with colon cancer.
“the sooner bowel cancer is detected, the greater the chance of a full recovery.”
Evelyn Decker, a professor of gastrointestinal oncology
the Netherlands is also doing research on the detection of specific proteins from colon cancer in the stool. Do it together with Gerrit Meijer, chair of pathology at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, the identification of these proteins would be the population may be even more accurate, and can be made of it.
Decker: “If we are to proteins or DNA in the stool, may be detected which are specific for colon cancer, can, that, over time, might be quite reliable to predict whether colorectal cancer or of polyps in the colon are not present. Maybe even have a polyp to grow into cancer.”
Recognize the symptoms in time
Wait don’t you call for the examination of the population, say both the Netherlands as a management Tool. Be on the alert for symptoms such as a change in bowel habits, blood in the stool, or a false urgency. Go to the doctor. Dekker: “we do not have colon cancer, but if it does so, you may as well get it as soon as possible. The sooner cancer is detected the greater the chance of a full recovery.”
On the 4th of February is world cancer day. All around, that day, to organise the hospitals and inloophuizen open house. Throughout the country, events are organised by and for the people who are, in any way whatsoever with cancer of his face.