as The British prime minister, Boris Johnson, the British people Friday in a pre-recorded video message, addressed from his official residence of 10 Downing Street in central London. At 23: 00 central european time, two hours prior to the withdrawal of the Uk from the European Union, came up with the video.

“Tonight, we will have to leave the European Union. For many people, this is a time of hope, a moment in which she thought that it would never happen. And then of course there are a lot of people have that fear, and loss of feeling were the very first words of Johnson.

“And then there’s a third group – perhaps the greatest – who was concerned that the political bickering will never end, it would come out. I don’t understand all of these feelings, and it was the government’s job – my job – is to bring this country together and move us forward.”

“The most important message of this evening is that this is not the end, but it’s a start. This is the time when the day comes, and the curtain rises on a new act in our own national theatre.”
Boris Johnson: ‘a New chapter in British history to Have the tools necessary for self-government in their own hands,”

you can Also use the rest of Johnson’s speech was very nationalistic in nature. He concluded by saying, “We have the tools necessary for self-government in their own hands. Now is the time to bring those tools to use, and the best of what this country has to offer and has a free reign, and the lives of everyone, in all parts of the United Kingdom’s most important to him.”

At the person’s residence was on, a clock is projected that aftelde to 23: 00 (local time), at the time of the British, the EU has been officially abandoned.

a Four-year Brexit summed up in a eye-catching moments See also: ‘With Or Without EU, with The love-hate relationship between the Brits and Brussels