In the event of a major accident in Belgium on Saturday, on Sunday night, two police dogs died in battle. Also, five people were injured, reports the Gazet van Antwerpen.

Agents are the reason for around two hours during the night in the town of Knokke, in their police car with the two dogs, at a high speed in the direction of a message. It all went wrong when a car and a truck on a hotelparkeerplaats the same way, on the spot. The vehicles collided, and were flung against a tree.

The five wounded people were taken to hospital, two of the dogs died in the incident.

the Dogs had the same owner?

“The sense of defeat within the marine corps, is great,” said chief of police Steve New of the police force, Damme and Knokke-Heist, belgium at the paper. “Both of the dogs are heard to be the same guy, who is now off the map.”

The police force has, normally, a total of six dogs or more. “However, in view of these dramatic events as they unfold, this will probably be revised to be made. A police dog can be one, two, three are replaced. The course lasts for a very long time.”

the New number of company cars with an extra hondencomfort

in Early december, sheriff’s department, Damme and Knokke-Heist have been invested in the three of the new number of company cars with an extra comfort for the dogs, It will tell you the Latest News.

The new car will have additional air-conditioning, custom-made kennels and the escape hatches that let in the dogs from their kennel to get closer to the agents to be able to sit down.