The stock price of electric automaker Tesla, is in on Monday with a nearly 20 percent increase. The koersexplosie was a result of the good results of the batterijentak by Panasonic and Tesla, as well as a heightened beursadvies.

Investors have jumped on Monday to flock to the stock once the batterijentak where the Model along with the Panasonic, and announced for the first time, the profit to be made. Also, increased research company Argus Research is the target of 556 u.s. dollars (about 503 euros) to $ 800.

With the increase from the 19.9 per cent it closed the share price at the exact of 780 usd. The koerssprong of the Model was the largest of the company since may 2013.

The value of the Rate of the past few months, have more than tripled. Where are you at the end of October and have a stake in the electric-car maker was able to purchase it for about 255 bucks, it was a Monday at the end of the day, about 780 us dollars.