The president of the National Rally was at the Agricultural Show on Sunday February 25, where he was very critical of Europe. He says he wants to “change the software” for French agriculture at the European level.

Visiting the Agricultural Show on Sunday February 25, Jordan Bardella called for “economic patriotism” for agriculture and strongly criticized government policy. During his stroll through the aisles of the Salon, at Porte de Versailles, the president of the National Rally (RN) castigated Emmanuel Macron who “does not realize the suffering caused by his policies”. Saturday, during the opening of the 60th edition of the Salon, the President of the Republic denounced the “project of degrowth and stupidity” of the RN which wants France to leave Europe.

Jordan Bardella replied: “I campaign for economic patriotism and to get out of free trade agreements” before adding that “trade agreements can be beneficial to French agriculture”, but that “at each times (…) it is to our disadvantage”. While Emmanuel Macron accused, on Saturday, the Rural Coordination of playing into the hands of the far right, the president of the RN castigated him: “I think that he clearly no longer has the sensors of the country of which he is the president. And no doubt he does not realize the suffering that his policy causes. “He also accuses the President of the Republic of being affected by “a very worrying schizophrenia”, “a form of conspiracy” and “paranoid drift.”

Jordan Bardella deplores the current system which does not allow farmers to be competitive. According to him, the European Union plays an important role in this worsening of the agricultural world. European policy has been undermining agriculture for years, according to the president of the far-right party. “By being put in competition with products or sectors which do not respect any of the standards” imposed on them, “It’s very complicated,” he explains.