This homemade product is perfect for easily cleaning the interior and exterior of the car.

Spring, summer, fall, winter… A car gets dirty no matter the season. It is not for nothing that automotive experts recommend cleaning your vehicle regularly to keep it looking as shiny as possible for as long as possible. In an ideal world, a motorist should wash their car once a month. But apart from certain professionals, like taxi drivers for whom the car must remain impeccable, who does it? There is always the possibility of taking your vehicle to a cleaning specialist, or to a car wash, but at a regular rate, the bill can very quickly rise to three figures.

The most economical way to keep a car clean, both inside and out, is to wash it yourself. Many cleaning products exist on the market, but it is possible to make equally effective ones for much less money. And in this period of soaring prices, there are no small savings. So, if you intend to give your city car, sedan or SUV a little makeover before the arrival of spring, here is the secret to making yourself a product that will allow you to wash the bodywork, wheels, windows as the interior of your vehicle, including the seats!

To make your potion, it only takes a few seconds. Fill a spray bottle with 1 liter of hot water, add 10cl of liquid black soap and finally 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate powder. Mix everything together and for a few cents you have a product that will make cleaning your car much easier. For the result to be perfect, we advise you to first give the bodywork a quick jet of water to rid it of dust.

Then you will just have to spray each surface to be cleaned with your mixture and then go over it with a microfiber cloth. The difference in the bodywork is impressive as it quickly regains all its shine. On the wheels and rims, use the same process but with a small brush or toothbrush this time. The blackness will disappear in favor of a pretty metallic gray.

Black soap mixed with water and baking soda also allows you to clean the interior of the car without much effort. From the dashboard to the windows to the seats, dirt is no match for it. Once the major cleaning is finished, a quick rinse with clean water will remove any traces. Without having to tire yourself out by scrubbing vigorously, your vehicle will shine like it did in its best days. And for next to nothing.