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Italy is the country in Europe that is most affected by the new coronaviruset Covid-19.

Now, the authorities have set parts of the North of Italy in quarantine.

this means closed schools and kindergartens, and no one can move in public places without smittebeskyttelse.

In addition, several major football matches postponed, and the traditional carnival in Venice was terminated before the planned, writes the BBC.

DUAL SCREEN: A karnevalgjenger with beskyttelsesmaske in Venice. Photo: Manuel Silvestri / Reuters / NTB scanpix Show more

– These extraordinary measures are essential to limit the outbreak, and they can be implemented in other areas also, called it in a statement at The european smittevernbyrået (ECDC).

Friday and Saturday died, two older people in the Italy of the virus. Sunday afternoon, reports Sky News about a third of deaths in the country.

Can last for weeks

Saturday afternoon, said Giuseppe Conte that the quarantine could last for several weeks, if it became necessary.

It is in the first place suggested that karanten of the towns will be in two weeks, but it can last longer.

– as From tonight, we’re going to quit the carnival and cancel all sporting events, said regionpresident Luca Zaia to TV channel Sky TG24 Sunday.

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Zaia said that he has dealt with many problems, in his time as regionpresident. Among other things, natural disasters and major accidents.

– But this is the absolute biggest problem Veneto has faced, he said, according to Sky News.

2442 died worldwide finally Got to leave the cruise ship – isolated

Sunday afternoon, it is noted that approximately 77 000 are infected, and 2442 are dead as a result of the virus.

most of these are in the Hubei province in China, where the outbreak started.

In addition, the virus detected in nearly 30 other countries, among them Thailand, Australia, Germany, France, the Philippines, the united STATES, Canada, Spain, the united Kingdom, Sweden, Egypt, Lebanon and Israel, according to NTB.

Unsafe on smittekilde

Italian authorities are still unsure how the virus came to the country, and why it has spread so fast.

Meet the criteria for “disease X”

According to the BBC, it was believed for a while that it was an Italian businessman who had brought the virus home from China, but he tested negative for the coronavirus.

CNN reports Sunday that there are now 26 patients in Italy who are under intensive treatment because of the virus.

– We ask, in essence, because all that has come from an area affected by the virus to stay home, said health minister Roberto Speranza at a press conference Saturday.

Therefore, they fear coronaviruset Dagbladet Plus

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