The mayor of Paris and the minister of Health to confront each other at a distance since Sunday on the re-opening of these premises, currently closed in the capital.

Anne Hidalgo does not disarm. The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo has again called for this Wednesday the opening of parks and gardens in Paris, denied by the government. The last act, at this stage, the clash at distance between the elected socialist and the minister of Health, Olivier Véran. The Express sums up this arm of the iron in four acts.

Act 1 Sunday and Tuesday : the request for reopening

in an interview In the JDD Sunday, the mayor of Paris demand the reopening of the parks and gardens, still closed in the Ile-de-France in spite of the déconfinement progressive since Monday, may 11. The government has decided that these places should remain closed in the areas designated in red, while in the green zones, they are now open since Monday.

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“We can take measures to prevent the picnics, the groupings on the lawn or access to play areas. We can also put in place a system with gauges maximum to limit the number of walkers. Wearing a mask is mandatory”, sketch Anne Hidalgo, for fear of “crowding in the streets or on the sidewalks” if we don’t re-open “soon the parks and gardens’. “I am continuing the discussion in order to obtain an exemption tailored for Paris,” says Anne Hidalgo at the JDD.

The mayor socialist of the capital, reiterated on Tuesday its request for the reopening of the green spaces. “Taking account of the needs of Parisians, because Paris is a very dense city, I renew my request to open to the promenade parks and gardens with mask-wearing compulsory, which should also be the case in all the streets of our city,” she wrote on Twitter.

Act 2, Tuesday : the non-farm Olivier Véran

Olivier Véran meets Anne Hidalgo on Tuesday, shortly after his tweet. “No, we will not open the parks and gardens in Paris and in the Île-de-France as well as in other regions that are classified red,” says the minister of Health during a visit to Limeil-Brevannes (Val de Marne).

“It can be extremely tempting by the sun that we have today that people get together too much, collecting too much, that they do not comply with the groups of ten and they may not be able to comply with the terms of the gestures barriers,” he explains, stating “having seen the pictures of” Parisians “collected on the wharves’ on Monday evening, in reference to the inhabitants who had taken advantage of the first evening of déconfinement along the channel and ignore sometimes distanciations social.

Act 3, Wednesday : Anne Hidalgo reiterates its request

Despite the government’s refusal, Anne Hidalgo reiterates its request Wednesday morning. “I think it is a matter of public health”, argues the municipal official PS on RMC-BFMTV, is amazing that we can “take the metro but not walking in a park”.

“of course, it is not necessary that this be done no matter how, I did yesterday [Tuesday] in the past of proposals to the government and we will discuss it”, explains the head socialist. “If you don’t open the parks and gardens to stroll, to do sport, to walk, not to go on picnics, Parisians will be returned to the sidewalks, or in spaces like the banks, the canal Saint-Martin”, avance-t-it.

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To the mayor of Paris, to maintain the distances health security requires of the place, or Paris, she says, is a very dense city with 20 000 inhabitants / m2. “For parks and garden, it is possible to filter the input of the people and say at one point that the gauge is reached if there is too much of the world. And if we open the parks and gardens, I will lay my the mandatory wearing of the mask through their regulations, which are municipal”, she explains. “I think it is reasonable,” insists the mayor of Paris, inviting them to “do not infantiliser people, to trust them with this message : if there is more space, there will be less concentration at the same location”.

Act 4, Wednesday : for the government, it is always “no”

But for the government, no question of going back on its position. The opening of parks and gardens in Paris is “inappropriate given the liveliness of the circulation of the virus in the region of Île-de-France”, said on Wednesday in the early afternoon, the spokesman of the government after the Council of ministers. “We are not back on this decision,” added Sibeth Ndiaye.

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If the parks and gardens of the capital are currently closed, the woods of Vincennes and Boulogne are fully opened since the beginning of the déconfinement Monday. In Seine-Saint-Denis, the county Council has obtained a waiver as “experimental”, to reopen the parc Georges-Valbon starting Thursday, under certain very strict conditions.