Therefore, you should see these musical masterpieces
(Dagbladet): Finally, badetemperaturene rising after a late spring, and many are ready to shed clothes for sunbathing or a dip. Some keep the swimsuit on, while others prefer to swim naked.
But if you select nakenbading in the “wrong place”, it can quickly come to sting on the scrotum.
– If you choose to bathe naked on a “normal beach” it will be regarded as blotting, and then bøtenivået from 10,000 dollars and up, ” says politiinspektør Svein Morten Brobakke at Trøndelag Police district.
If this was observed by the underage it can also lead to it being taken out prosecution.
– Quite a lot to save on rather to buy swimwear, with other words?
– Yes, I think we safely can turn fast. And it is well, therefore, we have our own beaches, ” says politiinspektøren.
But what is allowed and what you need to know before you bathe naked in Norway in the summer?
Habit and custom
At a public bathing beach in Norway, common practice to use the swimsuit. But if you bathe without clothes in a place that is not a nuisance to others, you can do as you want – as long as there is decent behavior. What is considered obscene changes over time, and as long as you follow the “kardemommeloven” will nakenbading rarely be a priority issue either with the police or domsstolene.
Check out these 18 Norwegian strandperlene qc
– It is not forbidden to swim naked in Norway. But as with so much else: It’s about to take consideration to others and to show concern for others, ” says Mona Anita Ringsrød, the leader of the Norwegian Naturistforbund. the
The Norwegian naturistorganisasjonen consists of a national federation, nine lokalforeninger and the three eiendomsselskapene Isefjær, Sjøhaug and Skovly naturistsenter.
– On an official naturist beach is nakenbading allowed by the authorities, while an unofficial naturist beach is established through custom.
the naturist beaches are public areas and can be visited by all. But at the same time, there are countless places, both along the sea, lakes and rivers where it is possible to bathe without a swimsuit, continues Ringsrød.
Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError BADESESONG?: Dagbladet TV tests the temperature in the sea. Show more Naturistsenter
Norway has three official naturistsentre with hotel accommodation. These can be found at Isefjær between Kristansand and Lillesand, Sjøhaug by Moss and Skovly at Halden.
-Sjøhaug is the oldest of these and is celebrating 40 years this year, ” says Mona Anita Ringsrød on, and:
-Anyone can visit a naturistsenter, but the visits that lasts more than two days requires membership. the
Badeklar: It is ready for a new badesommer. Roll your clothes if you want. Photo: Odd Roar Lange/The Busy Inspector to Show more Jump in the sea
In addition, the three centers will come the 15 government-approved naturist beaches in Norway. They are located from Kristiansand in the south to Gautviken between Mosjøen and Sandnessjøen in the north.
Here is naturistenes unwritten rules we
– Why are there no beaches in Troms and Finnmark?
It is perhaps that it has not been worked specifically to facilitate this. But there is plenty of space for those who want to find their own beaches for nakenbad also in the north. The most important thing is that you take consideration to others and the environment around them. Then there will be a good summer for all, continues Mona Anita Ringsrød.
an Increased interest among the young people
-We do not have any exact figures on how many who bathes nude in Norway. It is probably more than we think. I believe there are many who might is modest in the daylight if they can be seen by others, while they can feel free to take a nakenbad after dark. We also know that some like to visit nakenstrender abroad, where the risk of hitting a neighbor is small, at the same time as they do not use nakenstrender in Norway.
Young joy: Young nudist spot exults over the fact that summer can start. Photo: Odd Roar Lange/The Busy Inspector Show more
Young naturists in the Uk have a private Facebook group, and here we see a steady increase in membership. It seems we are very positive, in a time where many are struggling with kroppspress and discomfort to shower naked with other, for example in public baths. Here they are taken by other young people in a good way. Maybe the summer nakenbad help to make the summer a little better for some, ” says Mona Anita Ringsrød.
you Will have the latest news and top tips on this year’s Norgesferie? You can find it here.
be considerate: It is smart to pay attention to others when they choose place to swim and sunbathe without clothes. the
Photo: Odd Roar Lange/The Busy Inspector Show more Warning: the Error can be deadly
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