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The freshest examples of the wave number two is the strict measures reintroduced in the united STATES, where the governors re-opened their states too early, among them California, in Catalonia, in Spain and in the indian state of Bihar.
Also Germany and France choose to be precautionary and is preparing to introduce stricter measures to prevent the country affected by a new smittebølge. The latter countries have already introduced mandatory wearing of surgical masks indoors in public places after the first relaunch of the community.
– Can be just as vulnerable
on Wednesday advised the government no longer norwegians to travel to a number of european countries – a decision of the Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) has previously stated can lead to a certain increase in infection due to increased travelling.
Open up – but warns
On the question about Norway and a new possible shutdown, respond assistant director Espen Rostrup Nakstad:
– It is very important that we maintain control of the smittesituasjonen in Norway, so that new restrictive smitteverntiltak can be avoided. Since we basically have very little infection in the country right now, we are also less vulnerable by the reopening of the society than many other countries has been, he says to Dagbladet.
But we are not completely without risk, warns Nakstad.
We may be just as vulnerable if we get into the infection from the outside as we are not able to catch up. Therefore is the individual’s responsibility is very important if you are planning utenlandsferie in the summer.
Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError TRANSMISSION: Assistant director Espen Nakstad says that it is important to remember that coronaviruset can spread presymptomatisk. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Celina Morken / Dagbladet TV Show more Working hard
If we were to get local smitteutbrudd after the summer it will be handled in the usual way with testing, isolation, smittesporing and quarantine (SON), ” assures the assistant helsedirektøren.
– This makes the likelihood of a larger wave less than it was in the winter, but it requires that everyone still follows the basic smittevernregler and tests at symptoms. If a larger wave yet to hit the us will the necessary measures be assessed based on the current situation, ” he says.
Coronasmitten increases among the young
Folkhälsomyndighetens director-general Johan Carlson said in an interview with Svenska Dagbladet on Saturday the previous weekend that shut, open and shut the community again would not be durable for the swedes, and added that the tolerance of such tactics would be low.
Nakstad think, however, people in most countries would have preferred a new short-term shutdown rather than a more long-term uncontrolled smittesituasjon in the country, if they had to choose.
But of course, it’s something you want strongly to avoid, and we work hard to avoid getting into such a situation in Norway, ” he says.
Warns against the South-risk
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