TV-tip that takes you on holiday

Julimåned haven’t had much to offer sommerhungrige norwegians, and once a week with the unstable and changing weather is for the trip. But the upcoming weekend is, however, a small plaster on the wound, should we believe statsmeteorolog Rafael Escobar Løvdahl by the Norwegian Meteorological institute.


all in All, I think you will get a warm and nice weekend. Win, where there has been a cold julimåned and much precipitation, it seems to be correct so nice, ” says Løvdahl.

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– On Friday and Saturday there will be the enough over 25 degrees in the south and in the north it can get over 25 in some places locally.

But nothing lasts forever.

In the course of Saturday it will start to change, when will there be a new værsystem. So it comes to utilizing Friday if one is Win, ” says Løvdahl.

the Weekly værvinner

According to meteorologist will most of the places in the country get the nice weather at one time or another the upcoming week. Norway is among those who first get a taste væromslaget for the weekend, but also where it will brighten up towards the next weekend. But it is in the north it is penest.

I would say that Troms will get the best weather overall, says Løvdahl, and tells about a lot of sunshine and temperatures over 25 degrees on Friday, as well as between 15 and 20 degrees out next week.

North-Norway have the latest time periods bathed in the sun and heat. Now that July is nearly at the end, it appears that the Pasvik in Eastern Finnmark runs away with the varmerekorden this month. There was namely measured the whole of 27,4 degrees the 20. July. There is thus little dramatic that it now becomes a little colder in East-Finnmark the next few days.

In the North of Norway, it has been very hot, and it also gets hot now in the weekend, but in East-Finnmark, it seems to be a bit lower temperatures. On the coast it seems to be even lower for where you nordavind, and then it quickly becomes 10 degrees since the ocean keeps 10 degrees, ” says Løvdahl.

38 degrees celsius in Siberia: – Alarming Extreme heat

the Cause of the varmerekorden in the north will be abnormally high temperatures in eastern Siberia.

– In the East-Finnmark hangs there with a varmebølge over Siberia. It has been abnormally hot and extreme temperatures, ” says statsmeteorologen.

Switch the alarm: Never been less

The 20. June, it registered 38 degrees in the Russian city of Verkhojansk east in Siberia. In addition, the measured temperatures far above normal in several other Russian cities in Siberia. Martin Stendel at the Danish Meteorological institute said at the time to The Guardian that if the climate had not been affected by man-made global warming, so they had extreme temperatures in Siberia only occurred once every 100 000 years.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError STOOL: Rigmor Solem, senior advisor in the Norwegian nature inspectorate, a specific type of pollution to life. Reporter: Jeanette N. Vik / Dagbladet Show more

Løvdahl emphasizes that it basically is not abnormally high temperatures in North Norway in the summer, but:

– It is not common that the warmest place in July is the Pasvik with 27,4 degrees.

May be the worst juliværet since 1957

the Southern part of Norway has in fact had an abnormal cold julimåned. On the night of Thursday in the previous week were registered minus 0,2 degrees at Evenstad in Stor-Elvdal municipality, 2,3 degrees on the Nes and 7.1 degrees at Blindern in Oslo.

the Norwegian Meteorological institute writes on Twitter that the 27,4 degrees in the Pasvik is the lowest makstemperaturen which is measured in Norway in July since 1950.

Changing værtype

But according to Løvdahl have the worst cold over the South of Norway now given. He tells that there typically will be three days between lows. It therefore appears to be relatively hot, as well as some hours of sun, periods the upcoming week in large parts of Southern Norway.

– A huge cry for help

– It seems that one establishes again what you see with the shifting værtype in the south. In the north it becomes relatively hot, and one let go a bit cheaper away in the north than in the south, ” he says.

– It is a bit like it has been. You have to take the days you get.

This month has been particularly wet in the South of Norway. The Norwegian meteorological institute reports on Twitter that it has fallen over twice as much rain as normal in July in several locations in Agder. In Flekkefjord and it came to 294 per cent more precipitation than normal.

According to the Løvdahl, it is not expected large quantities of the upcoming week, but he emphasizes that there can be a lot of local precipitation on short notice.

And so is it in the South of Norway that there is a part of water in circulation in the rivers, and when there is any new precipitation to the start of the next week, so one should check a bit for example, if one has a campsite right by the side of a river, encourage him.

“Gate to hell” grow

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