Quarantine and screening are also mandatory for all travelers from these areas and who wish to return in Belgium.

The belgian tourists are now limited in their choice of holiday destinations : Belgium has banned the Saturday travel “non-essential” to the Spanish regions of Navarre, Aragon, Barcelona and Lleida in Catalonia, the lake geneva region in Switzerland (which is comprised of the cities of Vaud, Valais and Geneva), and the French department of Mayenne, because of their epidemiological situation.

The belgian ministry of foreign Affairs has also included on this list is “red” the Bulgarian regions of Severoiztochen and Yugozapaden, several areas of Romania (centre, south-east, south-Muntenia and South west Oltenia), as well as the city of Leicester, in the United Kingdom. Quarantine and screening are required for travellers from these areas returning to Belgium.

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On Saturday, any person returning to Belgium from abroad, or who wishes to stay for more than 48 hours in Belgium must fill out a identification form, by filling in their details and the places where she has resided during the past 14 days.

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A quarantine and screening are “recommended” for a number of areas on a list to “orange”, which includes in particular for France, the paris region (except the department of Seine-and-Marne), the Countries of the Loire, the département du Nord, Haut-Rhin, Haute-Savoie, Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Vosges mountains. These lists are established on the basis of the evaluation of a cell of experts, the Celeval.

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Faced with a rebound of the coronavirus, in particular in the region of Antwerp, Belgium has put in place this week new restrictions, by reducing the authorized contacts, the raising and extending the port of the mask. A curfew has been imposed from 23: 30 to 06: 00 in Antwerp. The country had Saturday the 68-751 cases reported since the beginning of the pandemic, and 9841 death.

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Belgium is one of the countries with the largest number of deaths in the Covid-19 relative to its population, with 85 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants.