The participants of this phase 1 trial, which included 131 people in Australia, of which 50, with placebos, have developed antibodies after the first dose of the vaccine.

promising results. The company’s biotech Novavax announced Tuesday that its experimental vaccine against the coronavirus had produced high levels of antibodies in a few dozens of volunteers.

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Novavax is one of the six companies in which the government of Donald Trump has invested heavily since march. This american firm has received $ 1.6 billion from Washington to develop the project.

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131 participants in Australia

The first phase of clinical trials of vaccines is always wearing on a few dozen healthy participants, in order to verify that the vaccine is not toxic, and see if it triggers an initial immune response. The participants of this phase 1 trial of Novavax, which included 131 people in Australia, of which 50, with placebos, have developed antibodies after the first dose of the vaccine, including neutralizing antibodies to “number of them”, said the company in a press release.

After the second dose, all participants vaccinees developed neutralizing antibodies. The experimental vaccine also triggered a T cell response, the other component of the immune response against a virus. The injections have caused adverse health effects, including pain at the injection site, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. After the second dose, the effects were more severe, but none of them has reached serious level, according to Novavax.

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These results have been submitted for publication by a scientific journal. For the moment, they have not been assessed independently. If this vaccine was proven at the end of trials of greater magnitude, this would be the first to be licensed from the biotech, while Donald Trump has been visiting the past week at the site of production of the experimental doses.

the Beginning of a clinical trial on a large scale antibody synthesis

The national Institutes of health us (NIH) have also announced on Tuesday the start of clinical trials of magnitude to test a drug designed specifically to treat the Covid-19. It is an antibody against the sars coronavirus called LY-CoV555, discovered in the blood of a patient is being restored by the canadian society AbCellera Biologics. This antibody was then developed synthetically to be produced in industrial quantities, by the American, Lilly Research Laboratories.

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The trial of phase 3 (the final phase) will begin by recruiting 300 volunteers in the world, of patients admitted to hospital, but with symptoms mild or moderate. Half will receive the drug (by injection), the other a placebo, in order to discover the actual effectiveness of the treatment. All will also be treated normally against the Covid-19.

another arm of the clinical trial will test the antibodies to synthetic on patients non-hospitalized patients. Antibodies are proteins that the immune system deploys to attach to the virus invaders and prevent them from entering the cells of the human body. The vaccines are intended to trigger, in patients not infected by the coronavirus, the production by the immune system of these antibodies, in a preventive way, according to several methods that are in current trials in the world. For the people who are already sick, two treatments have been approved up to now, the remdésivir and dexamethasone.

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another treatment option being evaluated is to inject the antibodies collected from people who have been contaminated but are being restored, what is called the plasma convalescent. This option, if it proves to be effective, however, is not possible on a large scale, which explains the development of antibodies to synthetic, they are called monoclonal antibodies.

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The two projects western the most advanced in terms of clinical trials are those of the british university of Oxford, together with the laboratory, AstraZeneca and biotech american Moderna, associated with Institutes american health, both of which have initiated their phase 3 trials on thousands and ultimately tens of thousands of participants.