The United States want to encourage anyone with information about the foreign interference in u.s. elections.

The head of the american diplomacy Mike Pompeo announced on Wednesday that the United States would give a reward of $ 10 million for the arrest of any foreign actor interfering in the elections of November.

The United States offer a reward of up to $ 10 million for information that would identify or locate any person who, acting under the orders or under the control of a foreign government interfering in the american elections,” said the american secretary of State during a press conference.

The United States encourages any person having information on foreign interference in the us elections, “through some cyberactivités illegal”, to contact the u.s. government or the U.s. embassy, the nearest, said the State department in a press release.

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A hundred awards since 1984

The program of financial rewards for the arrest of persons wanted by the american justice is managed by the department of State. Since its inception in 1984, more than 150 million dollars were paid to about a hundred people in the world, ” says the press release.

READ ALSO >> Washington punish the Russians for attempting to influence the election of 2018

democratic leaders in the us Congress are reported in the last month very “concerned” by a campaign of misinformation orchestrated from abroad, which aims-according to them-to weigh in on the presidential election of 3 November.

The us intelligence services accuse of all Russia to be ingested in the presidential election of 2016, including using hackers and massive campaigns on social networks, to promote the candidacy of Donald Trump and hinder her rival, democrat Hillary Clinton, what Moscow has always strongly denied.

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In February, the intelligence officials have mentioned new interference russians in the countryside 2020, always aimed at promoting Donald Trump, at a briefing at the Congress supposed to remain confidential but was leaked to the media.