The two NGOS have made up a team that will take the sea on board a new ship, the Sea-Watch 4, currently docked in Spain.

Doctors without Borders (MSF) will ally with the German NGO, Sea-Watch to resume in August rescues migrants in the Mediterranean sea, where no ship humanitarian operation since the landing of the Ocean Viking in Sicily in early July, announced on Thursday the two organizations.

The two NGOS have made up a team that will take the sea on board a new ship, the Sea-Watch 4, currently docked in Spain, have they explained at a press conference. Sea-Watch provides the crew to navigate and MSF is coordinating the medical team.

READ ALSO >> The ship humanitarian Ocean Viking back in the Mediterranean to rescue migrants

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In April, MSF had put an end to the missions of rescue that she had led for the past four years with the French NGO SOS Mediterranean because of strategic differences. “We hope to be able to leave Spain around the 10th or mid-August,” said upstream Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, in charge of humanitarian issues in MSF. The mission is “critical,” because “currently, there is no ship of the NGO sea” while attempts to cross the Mediterranean are increasing, she recalled.

After several weeks at sea, the Ocean Viking chartered by SOS Mediterranean had landed in Sicily on July 7, with 180 migrants, before being detained by the Italian authorities for “technical reasons”, such as vessels, other NGOS, which claim that there is a “harassment”.

The support of the protestant Church in Germany

the New partner of MSF, the organization of German Sea-Watch was especially made aware of when the captain of the Sea-Watch 3, Carola Rackete, had accosted force in June 2019 on the island of Lampedusa to disembark a quarantine of migrants, in spite of the ban issued by the Italian authorities.

The Sea-Watch 4, new boat-ambulance of the NGO, has been purchased thanks to the support of United 4 Rescue, a civic organization founded by the protestant Church in Germany. “It is the categorical answer of the civil society to the racist policy of the EU, which prefers to let people drown rather than reaching to european shores,” said Philipp Hahn, the head of mission of the Sea-Watch 4, in a joint press release with MSF. “Despite all their efforts to stop us, we will not stop the rescue operations.”

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According to the latest data from the office of the High commissioner united Nations for refugees (UNHCR), attempts to start increasing in the Mediterranean, the migratory route of the deadliest in the world. Between early January and late July, attempts at the start of the Libya increased by 91%, compared to the same period last year, representing 14.481 people who took to the sea.