The pandemic has killed at least 715 343 dead on the planet from that of the WHO office in China has reported the appearance of the disease at the end of December.

The Covid-19 continued Friday its progression deadly in the world, and prompted many countries to tighten their sanitary measures, in the hope of slowing it down, waiting for a treatment or a vaccine.

The pandemic has killed at least 715 343 dead on the planet from that of the WHO office in China has reported the appearance of the disease at the end of December, according to a report drawn up by AFP from official sources on Friday.

More than 19 133 340 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 196 countries and territories, including at least 11 319 300 are now considered as cured.

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The United States of america reported Thursday 2060 new death linked to the virus, a dark sheet daily that they had not met for three months, according to the Johns Hopkins university.

This rebound to more than 160 000 the total number of deaths to the novel coronavirus in the country by far most affected the world in front of Brazil.

“A challenge”

India, just three weeks after having recorded a million cases of the officials, reached Friday, the milestone of two million reported cases.

If the epidemic had previously for the main epicenters of the megacities of New Delhi and Bombay, the disease is now starting to soar in regions that are less dense and more extensive in the asian giant’s 1.3 billion people.

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For expert health Preeti Kumar, probably the reason for the upsurge of cases outside of the big cities lies in the homecoming of migrant workers. Millions of them found themselves without employment when the establishment of a brutal containment national in India at the end of march.

“We see the cases increase, especially in States such as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh”, Northern regions which are originating number of migrant workers winner usually living in big cities, ” she says . “With the health systems of the poor” in these States were under-developed, the outbreak “is going to be a challenge,” she said.

New quarantine in Spain

Spain, where quarantine local restrictions are imposed, in particular in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Aragon, has added Friday to the list the city of Aranda de Duero, with 32 000 inhabitants, 150 km North of Madrid. Police checks have been installed on the outskirts of the city, which will remain under a lid for at least two weeks.

“Everything is very quiet, it has a little bit of fear of course. Some of the shops are closed, but eventually it almost sounds like a normal day. You can clearly see that it was a small blow to the morale because we don’t know what’s going to happen,” said Maria José Fernandez, a seller of clothing of 27 years, reached by phone.

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In Germany, two schools in the North of the country have had to close their doors after the emergence of cases of infection Covid-19, just a few days after the start of classes. In the small village resort of Graal-Müritz, the hundred children of the primary school and the teaching staff have been sent home for two weeks of quarantine after a student had been tested positive to the new coronavirus.

In the Syria war, the dean of the faculty of medicine of Damascus Noubough al-Awa mentions a situation epidemic “terrifying”, and explains that “many citizens go to the public hospitals, but unfortunately all the rooms are full”.

A protein to combat the increasing

On the research front, French researchers have discovered that a protein produced by the body in a context of inflammation could play an important role in severe forms of Covid-19, and the target could assist in the fight against the worsening of the disease.

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According to these studies, published in the journal Cell, there is a “very high rate” – 100 to 1000 times more than normal – of this protein, calprotectin, in patients with a severe form of Covid-19. “Our results suggest that calprotectin could be responsible for the worsening of the Covid-19,” says the lead author of the study, the researcher in immunology Aymeric Silvin.

many studies around the world looking to better understand the mechanisms of the”storm cytokinique”), an inflammatory reaction is uncontrolled, excessive, and often lethal cause in severe forms of Covid-19.

elderly and of color

in The United States, a famous researcher has estimated that it will be impossible to know the true efficacy of a vaccine without extensive clinical trials with the elderly and of color.

According to Dr. David Diemert, who oversees clinical trials for the laboratory Moderna, this is a crucial question, as the Covid-19 affects disproportionately those sectors of the population. According to the federal data for the u.s., the virus kills two times more black people and latinos than white people. Individuals over 65 years of age account for 80% of deaths.

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Latin America and the Caribbean region of the world the most bereaved by the coronavirus More than 2000 new cases of coronavirus recorded in 24 hours in France Covid-19 : a protein produced by the body may play a role in the severe forms

by the end of this week, Dr. Diemert, a specialist in infectious diseases at the George Washington university, will recruit 500 volunteers for the clinical trial that he conducted, a step which will last for two months. “We’re looking for people who are more likely to develop an infection at the Covid with symptoms, so older people, and people of color,” he says.