The ex-minister of the Interior has a mechanism which allows, in the case of a proceeding related to a public service, a covered 100% by the State.

The legal costs of Claude Guéant, in the case of surveys ordered under Nicolas Sarkozy are supported by the Elysée, reveals this Friday on France Inter, based on a report of the Court of accounts on the budget of the presidency of the Republic published on July 29. A practice that is completely legal, ” explains journalist Frederick Says : “The law of 13 July 1983 provides that public officials shall benefit, in the event of a lawsuit related to their function, a ‘protection organized by the public authority that employs him’. This implies support of counsel’s fees (except in the case of ‘personal misconduct’).”

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These “expenditure of legal protection” – the official term – have risen sharply in 2019, reaching 159 766 euros, against 2 352 euros in 2018. The Elysee has justified this astonishing increase in by “the variations in the pace of judicial, shuddering in the process.” The report of the Court of auditors points out that the palace has set in 2019 the attorneys ‘ fees for fourteen employees or ex-employees challenged by the justice.

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Among these fourteen cases, three cases (including those of surveys of the Elysee, according to France Inter) have mobilized “63% of the amount provisioned” the last year, and “come under mandatures previous”, indicates the instance. Under Nicolas Sarkozy, the presidential palace has ordered as soon as 2007, without offering opinion studies.

The former secretary-general of the Elysée Claude Guéant, but also the former political adviser of Nicolas Sarkozy, Patrick Buisson, and four other persons were returned in August 2019 before the correctional court in this case. The examining magistrate Serge Tournaire has ordered a trial for “favoritism” and “diversion of public funds through negligence” to Claude Gueant and the former director of cabinet, Emmanuelle Mignon. Former advisor to the unofficial French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, Patrick Buisson is returned for “concealment of favoritism”, “the misappropriation of public funds” and “abuse of social goods”.

“As the law provides”

Two other former collaborators of Nicolas Sarkozy, Jean-Michel Goddard and Julian Vaulpré, are also referred to “favouritism”, while the political scientist Pierre Giacometti and his company, Giacometti Peron, became No Com, the are for “concealment of favouritism”. As a former staff of the presidency of the Republic, they can all lay claim to the legal protection of the Elysée.

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Premiums in liquid Inside : suspension of the Legion of honor of four prefects Surveys of the Elysium : Guéant and former close friends of Sarkozy returned to a correctional cash incentives: Claude Guéant, sentenced to one year farm

Claude Guéant confirmed on France Inter that the fees his lawyers are set to 100% by the budget of the Elysee in this case, “as the law provides.” He stated that this was “obviously” not the case for other procedures that relate to them. Emmanuelle Mignon has also confirmed ; Patrick Buisson has not responded.