This is the first time that an official lebanese evokes a outdoor dance floor in the matter of the explosion, the authorities claiming that it was caused by a fire.

The lebanese president, Michel Aoun, said on Friday that the terrible explosion at the port of Beirut was due to “either negligence, or an external intervention”, referring to the hypothesis of “a missile”.

“It is possible that this may have been caused by the negligence or by an external action, with a missile or a bomb,” said the head of State during a meeting with journalists broadcast on television, three days after the disaster, which has killed more than 150 people.

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This is the first time that an official lebanese evokes a outdoor dance floor in the matter of the explosion, the authorities say up to now that it has been caused by a fire in a huge deposit of ammonium nitrate.

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The head of State, at the age of 85 years, added that it had “personally” requested Thursday, French president Emmanuel Macron that he has received at the presidential palace, “to provide us with aerial imagery so that we can determine if there were any aircraft in the area [air] or missiles” at the time of the explosion Tuesday.

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“If these images are not available in French, ask for other countries”, he added, violently criticized by the population that denounces the incompetence of the authorities and corruption.

in Addition to the ammonium nitrate, an explosive substance, the military prosecutor referred to the presence of “materials highly flammable and wicks slow” according to a press release.

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Asked by a reporter who asked him if it was against an international investigation, Michel Aoun responded “of course”, feeling that it “dilute the truth”. The head of State made the remarks in the wake of the call by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, during his visit to Beirut, an international investigation “transparent.”