Who is Shia LaBeouf? What movies has he appeared in? Which are his best movies? These are some of the questions that are asked when it comes to this great actor. Well, this is a household name well known for the best antics films.

Shia is very flexible and has an extraordinary movie career. Hollywood has become a home-and-away expansion place for LaBeouf. Watching a Shia LaBeouf movie is actually great when playing an online casino game through sites like  crazyvegas casino en ligne.

Let us look at the best films that Shia has featured in.

American Honey

With a rating of 80%, this movie laid the ground when it came to Shia’s music career. His performance was exceptional as he assumed the character of a star. One of the best things about the movie is that it placed Shia on the map. Magazines flooded with his stories and he has been a constant feature in magazines since then.

Borg Vs. McEnroe

This movie has been rated at about 84%, only 4% ahead of American Honey. It’s about temper and rage in this piece. Shia is all-in-all against a Swedish tennis player called Borg. What a fantastic day to go about the tense motion of the atmosphere looking at the fact that the Borg vs. McEnroe match was the greatest of their time. You can actually feel the sound of Wimbledon as you watch.

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The Peanut Butter Falcon

Rated at 95%, this film is a clear-cut confirmation of his filmography. Shia assumes the character of Tyler, who has to go through tough decisions. Check out Zack, who figures out the best way to maneuver. Zack and Tyler are best friends that have to endure the hardest of times.

Honey Boy

Rated 97%, it is the highest-rated and reached-for movie at the moment. It is a childhood movie that shows a dark and white journey. The young characters are also into showing tense action.