In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, she stated that “that’s how we got into this mess in the first instance by following someone else’s ideas of what we should do.” “We are now following Glennon’s ideas?” This is the exact opposite of what I want to do.

Millions were shocked when Doyle, her husband and father of her three children, divorced her to marry Abby Wambach, the Olympic gold medal soccer player. She shared her fears about rejection, disappointing her parents and losing the life that she believed she was meant to have.

Doyle, 45, said that it was “the most alive” he’d ever felt.

Unburdening has allowed her to tap into the zeitgeist for overburdened women of all walks of life. People magazine hailed her the “patron saint for female empowerment”. “Untamed,” Audible’s most-listened to audiobook in 2020, was a top-selling book. Oprah, Kelly Clarkson, Kelly Adams, and many other celebrities have praised her work as transforming their lives.

Doyle expanded the conversation to podcasting and launched “We Can Do Hard Things” in May. Apple’s top-rated shows list.

Despite this, she was approached by women on her exercise walks.

She said, “People would be asking, ‘OK? That’s great you got yourself unassisted’.” “It’s amazing that you were capable of doing that,” she said. “How do I do this?”

Doyle released “Untamed” a companion journal. She wanted to name it “The Experiment,” emphasizing the fact that there is no blueprint and no one can answer for anyone else’s life. But publishers dropped it.

“Get Untamed”: The Journal’s tagline is “How to stop pleasing and start living”, which has been a chant among her fans. “I stopped asking people for directions. There is no map. She writes that we are all pioneers.”

In March 2020, “Untamed”, her first reaction to COVID-19 was to wait until it was released.

However, the forced time out was a fertile ground for her message about stillness, tuning out the noise, and listening to your inner voice, or “your knowing”, as she calls it.

She says, “Being still in the world is the hardest thing.”

She said, “The truth is that in the stillness the stuff we haven’t resolved yet is within the stillness. The conversations we are avoiding it is in this stillness. All of our trauma is found in the quietness.” “We live in a culture which tells us that we cannot live in stillness.

Doyle claims she was unable to focus for many years. She used alcohol and food to deal with her unhappy marriage. Doyle also grew up in strict evangelical circles. Doyle tried to be a good mother, wife, and teacher. She thought she was giving up her dreams, but she soon realized that she was living a life she didn’t want for herself.

She said that “Mommy burden” can be a difficult burden to pass on to children.

She said, “We’re teaching them that love is self-denial. Love is burying oneself and then moping about it.” It’s being a mother who refuses to let herself live. “Untamed” is showing that martyrdom motherhood does not qualify as a badge or honor, if there is anything.

One of her bizarre self-reports that exhausted women embrace is: It’s okay to quit or take a break. She rarely responds to text messages. Divorce isn’t always bad. Sometimes, you can lose everything and still be free.

Doyle hopes that the journal and pandemic will inspire others to confront their fears and do some self-examination.

“Some of us discovered our peace for first time. She recently shared her experience on her podcast, “I have never felt more at ease in my skin.”

“The constant going out and being in all these social situations, the constant going out infront of other humans…that was constantly jarring for me.”

Doyle admits that despite her success, her life is full of fights, tears, and self-doubts.

She says that she tries to meditate 20 minutes a day. She admits that it takes her half an hour to meditate, but she doesn’t shame herself for not doing so because of the demands of mothering, work and being a wife.

What about the days she doesn’t manage to get it done?

“I’m so over beating myself up about everything.”

She calls quitting a spiritual exercise.

She said, “I wake up in morning and I look forward titting,” in a podcast.

“If I didn’t quit every single day, I wouldn’t start again.”