The CBS personality, 52, tells Us Weekly that the jury is fired up ahead of the Wednesday, Feb 23 live finale. During this finale, all jurors will vote for one winner among Todrick Hall (singer/dancer), Cynthia Bailey (Real Housewives of Atlanta star) and Miesha Tate, UFC champ (depending on who wins the final Head of Household).
“There will be a live HOH. Julie states that it will be a fast-paced hour because we are only allowed to speak for one hour. “All jurors have one chance to make a statement before they put the key in the box. It will be an important part of the show, I believe, when each juror has to make a statement to the last two. It is amazing how you can take a dig at someone or show grace or let someone know where they stand in one sentence.
She tells
US that she doesn’t believe she’s rooting for anyone, but she does think Miesha is deserving. In a way, Miesha is my rooting interest because she has worked hard and it would be a injustice to her if she didn’t win.

Miesha is closely aligned with Todrick but has been taking a lot of heat form his houseguests when they are evicted. Julie believes he should own this if he wants to get some votes.

She tells Us that jury management is essential. “That’s why I gave my final speech to jurors, who can sometimes be very bitter, sometimes justly so, and sometimes not. It’s up to you to own it and to explain why, because this is your chance. Only one chance.

Was there anything else Julie had to say about the season? What about the future seasons of Celebrity Big Brother. Scroll down or watch the video above to see our interview!

The Celebrity Big Brother finale will air on CBS Wednesday February 23 at 8 p.m.

Us Weekly: Hi, Julie. How are you doing? This season feels like it’s been going on for months!

Julie Chen Moonves: I know. I know. Think about how houseguests feel when they aren’t there.

Us: I can’t even imagine. First, I must ask you: Todrick is getting lots of heat outside. As they get out, the houseguests are learning. Are you familiar with clips? What are your thoughts on the feedback?

JCM I haven’t seen them personally as I believe the internet can become a drain. Having said that, I have people in my daily life who report back to me. So I understand some of his frustrations. I’d like to think that Todrick will take a moment to look at his own behavior and then decide how he can defend himself. What can I take responsibility for? What can I own? How can I get along with my housemates who I consider friends? “How do I make it right with my friends?” That’s all. And I pray that everyone realizes that no one is perfect. Can we change and allow grace and forgiveness to be granted to those who have suffered? When we get so angry and spew hatred, I don’t have the time. That’s why I don’t read the internet. It’s a wastebasket. It’s not something I like. I don’t like hate.

Us: Todrick is a fan to an extent. Are celebrities aware that they are being watched 24/7?

JCM Todrick understood that he was being watched 24/7. This is because he’s a superfan. It’s not clear that celebrities understand it as well as superfans such Shanna MOAKLER and Todrick. I’m trying my best to think. Did you know of another superfan?

Us – I believe Chris Kirkpatrick has a huge fan.

JCM: Yes. Chris Kirkpatrick. They got it. However, even though you may be aware of it, I don’t think you can. I don’t believe you can. I don’t believe you can. I don’t think you can live 27 days without being a phony. It’s not possible to turn the camera on. It can be set up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as noon and night. It’s impossible, I think. At the end of it all, whether you’re a celebrity or not, I believe that you should take everything with a grain-of-salt. It’s okay if you don’t like everyone. This is the way of the world. This is how life works. Take the time to look at yourself and realize that you are exactly who God made you to be. Everyone has a good and bad side. How can I surround myself with people who bring out my positive side? We are all still learning. We shouldn’t be so quick to cancel people.

Us: Todd Bridges came out of the house and praised Todrick, but quickly changed his tune. This is not a typical season in which the jury is kept apart. Is jury management even more important?

JCM Jury management, it’s everything. It is not possible to expect celebrities to be sequestered. It’s part and parcel of the deal. It’s like asking, “If you go in, can I go home?” This is why the final speech to jurors, who often are very bitter, sometimes justifiably so. It’s up to you to own it and to explain why, because this is your chance. You only have one chance.

US: I am curious if Miesha will end up in the final two next to Cynthia. She’s won many comps but is it possible that her connection with Todrick could be detrimental?

JCM She doesn’t think that her connection to Todrick will cause her harm if she sits next Todrick. With the jury, I believe they’ll be like – this is me guessing at what the jury will think if it’s Todrick or Miesha – which of the two is less evil? This is my educated guess. This is not how I would imagine. I would think “You know what?” My ego is at the door. “Who deserves this check, good or bad? If Cynthia wins the live HOH, I don’t see Cynthia making it to the final 2. I don’t think so. She might make it to the final two. I think this is because she’s a nice person.

Us – Do you think that this is the bitterest jury we have ever had?

JCM We’ve had worse juries. On the final night, play the tapes where they are, like, stinkeye. The beauty of it all is that they are now best friends. All wounds are healed by time. It’s almost like you went to bootcamp together when you live in the Big Brother home. You are bound. It doesn’t matter what you think, it is yours for the rest of your life.

US: Todrick’s attempt to convince Carson [Kressley] Shanna was against him was a smart move…

JCM Brilliant move. It was a brilliant move.

You: Do they think that the jury will be able to respect it?

JCM This is the million-dollar question. If he can explain it from a place of truth and ownership, I believe he will be able to say, “Was that dirty?” You better believe it. Was it genius? You better believe it. At the end of it all, you have to forget about your ego. I will ask forgiveness. But those who are familiar with this game know that it is permitted. “I don’t think that I would do that in real life, but to win Big Brother I followed the rules.” He might be able get votes if he can explain that humblely.

Us: We’ll see. Shanna received a lot of support after she left the house. She is currently running a huge campaign for America’s Favorite Houseguest. What are your thoughts?

JCM I’m not surprised she received all the support she needed. I felt it rumbling in my heart for her days before she was evicted. It was rumbling in my heart for her. I thought, “Oh, man, I hope that she wins this.” I wish she survives.” Every three days, my emotions change. Then some of my disappointment will make me feel like “Oh, my heart is broken for you.” But, it was so wonderful to see her warm support. Because the cameras aren’t lying. She did her best and they don’t lie. Her biggest flaw was her inability to calmly and clearly communicate with Carson and Cynthia. Words are expensive. Words are very cheap. They aren’t meant to be used in the Big Brother house. They don’t have any meaning in real life. They speak louder than words. She decides.” I think she was so involved in this “psycho swirl” and that very eighth grade bullying, ganging up moment, she almost gave up. Her downfall was when she said, “It wasn’t like we had names.” They were like, “Ohhhh.” She didn’t do a great job of defending herself. It wasn’t her year.

It’s also quite powerful when Lamar [Odom] asks him to be his sober mentor. They are hoping to do something together. You would like to see that?

JCM I would make it! It would be a great idea. They need some kind of reality show, like a buddy reality comedy show. As Nicole Richie did with Paris Hilton. The Todd and Lamar version is what we need. They were so funny to listen to. Lamar said, “Whoa! Whoa, whoa? It’s so easy!” It was hilarious to see.

You: Are you a fan of celebrity seasons? Would you like it to return? It’s been a while since we were on the air, but what do you think?

JCM It’s my favorite. We shouldn’t oversaturate the market, I think. It feels like four years is a long time, because it was originally intended to be counter-programming for the Winter Olympics on another network. We thought, “Hey, we only have one month to lose.” But it’ll be more than running reruns. I think four years is too long. It’s possible that the opportunity will arise again. It’s unlikely that it will happen next year, but you never know. You should expect the unexpected. We’ll see.

US: Julie, how would your performance as a houseguest be if you were to appear on Celebrity Big Brother.

JCM I would be horrible. Perhaps 12 years ago, I thought I could do some of these physical challenges. In truth, I believe I would fail in every department. I’m an open book. I don’t lie. I am a journalist. I don’t know how to. It’s, like, I’m ChenBot! I don’t know. I cannot misrepresent. This would be against my nature. I don’t believe I can get very far in this game.

Us: Is it difficult for you as a host to be neutral at times? Do celebrities interview more difficult than regular houseguests?

JCM It doesn’t matter how famous you are. You want to ask them similar human nature questions. My human side wants to say, “How could?” But who am I to judge? It is necessary to look back at my news experience and think about how I can get the right answer and ask it in an honest way. It’s easy to just let them have the ball, and they can decide which direction. It’s hard. It’s hard. It is not easy.

We totally get that. Which of these final three are you rooting to see win? Who would you love to see become America’s Favorite Houseguest, and why?

JCM While I don’t believe I’m rooting in anyone left in the house I do believe Miesha is deserving. I do. In a way, Miesha is my root because she has worked hard and it would be unfair to her if she didn’t win. So, yeah, Miesha is my favorite. It’s hard to root for America’s Favorite Houseguest. I wanted Carson, Shanna, Chris Kirkpatrick and Lamar. Next, I wanted him, and then I wanted Todd Bridges. So, I’m all over this map. I’m curious to find out who America wants.

You too! Are you sure it will be a tie vote? What will America vote tomorrow?

JCM America will vote. It is my intention to make it clear.


JCM Do you know what? That will go in the suggestion box. I just had my script meeting.

: For fun.

JCM It’s just for fun. Yes, we should reveal it somehow, even if it is on Twitter or something. It’s unlikely that we will need it, but who knows?