FUEL DISCOUNT. While the government planned the gradual disappearance of the discount of 18 cents per liter of fuel, the discussions in the National Assembly could ultimately lead to the maintenance of this fuel “discount”. It could even be increased to 40 cents per litre!

[Updated July 21, 2022 at 5:10 p.m.] Will the government turn around on the subject of fuel aid? After having extended the system presented by the former Prime Minister Jean Castex last April, that of a discount of 18 cents per liter of fuel for all motorists, the new government of Elisabeth Borne had assured that it wanted to make the choice of a more targeted device, aimed at low-income households and “big rollers”. Patatras, the absence of a comfortable majority in the Assembly seems to have put a serious brake on the project of a “fuel allowance” also called “fuel bonus” and the fuel discount of 18 cents is making a comeback at the table of negotiations. Exit the “fuel bonus” for large rollers, place a temporary discount but for all! The amount is still to be defined but it could reach 30 to 40 cents per liter according to France Info, a maximum amount which will be gradually lowered.

The discount is 18 cents per liter of fuel and has been in effect since April 1, 2022. It is applied automatically at the time of payment, at the cash desk or by credit card at the pump. Contrary to what was announced, the price displayed at the pump is ultimately the one you will pay in the end. There is therefore no calculation to be made or discount to be requested from the pump, making the operation more legible and simple for the consumer. Are all fuels affected? Yes, said former Prime Minister Jean Castex in mid-March 2022 during the presentation of the device. E85, Liquefied Natural Gas and LPG will be affected. This boost, valid each time you go to the gas station, came into effect on Friday 1 April. Here is the device summarized in three points:

Everyone, whether you have a store loyalty card or not. This measure concerns both households and businesses and is valid for all fuels, diesel, unleaded petrol such as E85. The discount is displayed directly on the totems present in service stations.

The economy at the pump will not be invisible. Former Prime Minister Jean Castex gave an example during the presentation of the device in April 2022: that of a full tank of 60 liters of fuel, i.e. a tank of a good-sized car (a city car displays a tank of 45 to 50 liters) “You save 9 euros” for a full 60 liters, he said in the columns of Parisian. Since then, the device has evolved to finally reach 18 euro cents per liter of fuel, a saving of up to 11 euros per tank. With a price of around 2 euros per litre, a full tank goes from 120 euros to around 109 euros.