A previously unknown dinosaur species have been discovered by researchers in southern Argentina. Paleontologists from Spain and Argentina, found in the vicinity of the Andes, the bones of a twelve-Meter-long animal, and two of the smaller specimens.

The plant-eaters lived 110 million years ago in a desert territory in the present province of Neuquén. Their most well-known, also herbivorous Relatives, the representatives of the genus Brontosaurus. The newly discovered species was given the name Lavocatisaurus agrioensis.

to Almost complete skull bone

“We have found the largest part of the skull bone and a large number of teeth, were which we create a fairly complete reconstruction,” said José Luis Carballido from the Museum Egidio Feruglio, in the city of Trelew in Patagonia. Also bone of the neck, back and tail, the researchers found.

Working in the vicinity of the Andes

You have not found the new way only in an area where you expect fossils necessarily, but also a nearly complete skull bones, the researchers. Their results were published in the journal “Acta palaeonto Logica Polonica”.

The dinosaurs probably Betlike lived in herds

in addition to the adult animal, the researchers also discovered the Remains of two more recent specimens of six to seven meters in length. According to the researchers, the dinosaur had died in a flock on the road and together.

The Region in which the fossils were found, however, is unusual for dinosaurs. It was an old area in the desert with only a few lakes in the Region of the discovery site.

sauropods, one of which is the newly discovered species, were the largest creatures that have ever lived on earth. Researchers assume that it could be more than 30 meters long. Species of the genus Argentino saurus reached probably a weight of 70 tons. Characterized by long necks and tails, massive body and relatively small head.

You could imagine, although, the giants have the barren, water-poor Region once roamed, according to the researchers. Had suspected animals there, but not necessarily.
